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How Security Categories Affect the Availability of Email Stationery

When you create (or edit) stationery, you can designate the stationery for use with multiple applications on your site (like TeamRaiser events, Donation eCards, and so on).

Stationery assigned to a specific Security Category is available for use in the application regardless of the campaign Security Category if the administrator has permissions for the stationery Security Category.

Stationery left as No Security Cateogry or General Security Category will be available for all items in all applications that you select.

The following chart details how the security category of Email Stationery affects whether it will be available in various applications.  Remember that stationery must be specifically designated for use in an application or it will not be available at all.

Application Uncategorized Stationery
(No Security)
General Security Category Specific Security Category Additional Notes
Email Campaigns Messages in an Email Campaign have access to all uncategorized stationery -- regardless of the category of the Email Campaign provided that the stationery has been designated for use by Email Campaigns Messages in an Email Campaign have access to all stationery in the General Security Category regardless of the category of the Email Campaign provided that the stationery has been designated for use by Email Campaigns Messages in an Email Campaign have access to all stationery in a specific Security Category regardless of the category of the Email Campaign provided that the stationery has been designated for use by Email Campaigns In Email Campaigns, the ability to see categorized stationery will depend on the permissions of the administrator -- rather than the category of the Email Campaign. All administrators will see stationery that is uncategorized or in the General category. However, only administrators who have access to any specialized categories will see stationery that is in that category.*
Quick Email Same as Email Campaigns     Same as Email Campaigns: the ability to see and use stationery for Quick Email messages depends on the permissions of the administrator.
Autoresponder Messages Applications (such as Online Giving) that use Autoresponders will have access to all Uncategorized Stationery -- regardless of their own category provided that the stationery has been designated for use by Autoresponders Applications (such as Online Giving) that use Autoresponders will have access to all stationery in the General category -- regardless of their own category provided that the stationery has been designated for use by Autoresponders Applications (such as Online Giving) that use Autoresponders will have access to all stationery in a specific category -- regardless of their own category provided that the stationery has been designated for use by Autoresponders Same as Email Campaigns: the ability to see and use stationery for AutoResponders depends on the permissions of the administrator.
eCards eCard campaigns will have access to all Uncategorized Stationery -- regardless of their own category provided that the stationery has been designated for use by eCards eCard campaigns will have access to all stationery in the General category --  regardless of their own category provided that the stationery has been designated for use by eCards eCard campaigns will have access to all stationery in a specific category -- regardless of their own category provided that the stationery has been designated for use by eCards Same as Email Campaigns: the ability to see and use stationery for eCard campaigns depends on the permissions of the administrator
eCommerce eCards Same as Email Campaigns     Same as Email Campaigns: the ability to see and use stationery for eCommerce eCards depends on the permissions of the administrator
Donation eCards (Honor Cards) Donation eCard campaigns will have access to all Uncategorized Stationery -- regardless of their own category provided that the stationery has been designated for use by Donation eCards Donation eCard campaigns will have access to all stationery in the General category --  regardless of their own category provided that the stationery has been designated for use by Donation eCards Donation eCard campaigns will have access to all stationery in a specific category --  regardless of their own category provided that the stationery has been designated for use by Donation eCards Same as Email Campaigns: the ability to see and use stationery for Donation eCards depends on the permissions of the administrator
Email from TeamRaiser Participants TeamRaiser participants for all events (regardless of the security category of the event) will see email stationery that is uncategorized and designated for use by TeamRaiser Participants TeamRaiser participants for all events (regardless of the security category of the event) will see email stationery that is in the General Category and designated for use by TeamRaiser Participants TeamRaiser participants will see stationery that is placed in a specific security category (other than General)
if the stationery is designated for use by TeamRaiser Participants and the category of the event matches that of the
Note that administrators can also set up stationery within a TeamRaiser event for use within that event
Personal Event Hosts Hosts for all Personal Events (regardless of the security category of the event) will see email stationery that is uncategorized and designated for use by Personal Events Hosts for all Personal Events (regardless of the security category of the event) will see email stationery that is in the General Category and designated for use by Personal Events Hosts will see stationery that is placed in a specific security category (other than General) if the stationery is designated for Personal Event Hosts and the category of the event matches that of the stationery  
Personal Fundraising Champions All Personal Fundraising Champions will see email stationery that is uncategorized and designated for use by Personal Fundraising Champions All Personal Fundraising Champions will see email stationery that is in the General Category and designated for use by Personal Fundraising Champions Personal Fundraising Champions will see stationery that is placed in a specific security category (other than General) if the stationery is designated for Personal Fundraising Champions and the category of the Personal Fundraising Campaign matches that of the stationery  
Club Emails All Club Owners (regardless of the security category of the Club) will see email stationery that is uncategorized and designated for use by Clubs All Club Owners (regardless of the security category of the Club) will see email stationery that is in the General Security Category and designated for use by Clubs Club Owners (regardless of the security category of the Club) will see email stationery that is placed in a specific security category (other than General) if the stationery is designated for use by Clubs and the category of the Club matches the category of the stationery  

*For example, Site Administrators, who generally have access to everything, will see all stationeries when creating an Email Campaign Message (provided that the stationeries have been designated for use in Email Campaigns). On the other hand, a Jr. Administrator who only has access to items in a specific Security Category (such as West Coast), will see only stationery that is uncategorized, stationery that is in the General category, and stationery in the West Coast security category (when creating messages in an Email campaign). That same administrator would not see stationery in additional categories such as Southern or Northern.

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