Online Help

Following up with Donors Who Supported You for this Event

You can list the people who have donated on your behalf and send them a personal thank-you email from the TeamRaiser Email application.

Step 1: Display the Follow-ups Page

Click Follow-ups from the top of the Participant Center page.

Note: If you are not on the Participant Center page, log in to the site, click the link that displays the Greeting page, and then click the Participant Center link.

Step 2: Display the List of Contacts

From the Show contacts who … drop-down list, click need to be thanked for their donation. The appropriate contacts display in the list.

Note: Clicking the have donated on your behalf for this event option will show both donors you have thanked and not thanked with email from the Participant Center Email application.

Step 3: Select the Recipients of Your Thank You Email

Click the Send Email to All button. The Suggested Messages page opens.

Or, click the checkboxes next to each contact to whom you want to send thank-you email and click the Send Email to Selected button. The Suggested Messages page opens.

(1) Clicking the Send Email to All button will put everyone from the list on the email message, which may be a concern if you have thanked some of the people in a different way or if you have displayed the all donors list.

(2) If you have thanked a donor that displays in this list in another way (such as a phone call or with an email outside of the TeamRaiser application), you can click the checkbox of the donor and click the Clear To Flag button and run the list again to remove them from the list.

Step 4: Select the Thank You Email Message

From the list of Suggested Messages, click the appropriate Thank You message. The message displays with your name in the Your Name field, your email address in the Your Email field, and the recipients you selected in the Send to list.

Note: You can make adjustments to the fields by clicking into the field, selecting and deleting the text, and making a new entry.

Step 5: Edit or Enter the Body Text

Click into the Body area and add new words or paragraphs, remove existing words, or change words.

Note: You cannot use formatted or HTML coding in the Message Body.

Step 6: Preview Your Message

  1. Click the Preview button. The message displays in a separate email window.
  2. Carefully look over the subject and message to be sure it conveys the thought you want.
  3. Click the link to be sure it displays your Personal Page.
  4. Click the Close Preview Window button when you are finished.

Step 7: Make Adjustments

Click into the appropriate fields to make any adjustments and repeat Step 6.

Step 8: Send Your Message

Click the Send button. The Your email has been sent page displays and offers links you can use to perform your next task.

Step 9: Saving Your Message for Reuse

  1. Click the Save this message as template link on the Thank You page. The Save Email Message as a Template to Use Later page displays.
  2. Click into the Message Name field and type a descriptive label that will help you identify this message in the Suggested Messages list on the Email page.
  3. Click the Save button. This page closes and the Suggested Messages page displays again with your saved message template in the appropriate section.

(1) You can use the Edit action to open the message to change something about it and then save it again either as a new message or over the existing message.

(2) You can also Delete the message if you do not want to use it again.