Online Help

Understanding the Contacts List Page

By default, the Contacts list page displays the Individuals pane that shows each contact in alphabetical order. You can toggle between the Individual contacts and the Groups of contacts. 

The Individuals View

Next to the name of each contact is a checkbox that you can use to select the contact to send an email to, add to a group, or remove from the Contacts list.

The name of the contact is a link that you can click to display the details about the contact, which include:

  • The amount of their donation if they made one in support of you
  • The number of emails (sent from your Participant Center) that they have opened
  • The number of times they visited your Personal Page
  • The names of the groups in which they are a member
  • List of recent activities they have been involved in with you, such as the date they made a donation to you or joined your team if they are a member of your team.
  • Contact information you have entered for them (displays in a small boxed area on the right side of the page)

Below the contact name is their email address, which you can click to open an email for composing and sending to that person.

If the contact has given a donation to support you, the system automatically generates an email that thanks them for this gift. The contact is also flagged with the Acknowledge Gift Followup Flag (Acknowledge Gift followup flag) to remind you that you may want to send a personal thank you email or thank them in some other way. You can easily clear this followup flag by clicking it and selecting the Gift Acknowledged button to indicate that you have already thanked the donor or Email button to quickly send the thank you email now.

For each individual contact, you can tell the:

  • Groups that the contact has been added to
  • Number of emails you have sent the contact from the Email area of the Participant Center
  • Number of the emails you have sent that the contact has opened
  • Number of times the contact has displayed your Personal Page for this fundraiser
  • Monetary amount that the contact has made in donations to support you in the current fundraiser
  • Monetary amount that the contact made in donations to support you in the previous fundraiser if it has been linked to this one (Note that this may not display.)

You can quickly and easily change the way the contacts are displayed by clicking one of the blue underlined column headers. If you click the:

  • Name header, the list will be sorted in reverse alphabetic order from Z to A.
  • Sent header, the list will be sorted to show the contact who you sent the most emails and down through to the least. Click the header again and it will reorder the list to show least to most.
  • Opened header, the list will be sorted to show the contact who opened the most emails and down through to the least. Click the header again and it will reorder the list to show least to most.
  • Page Visits header, the list will be sorted to show the contact who visited your Personal Page the most and down through to the least. Click the header again and it will reorder the list to show least to most.
  • Current or Previous header, the list will be sorted to show the contact with the largest donation to you and down through to the least. Click the header again and it will reorder the list to show least to most.

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Locating a Specific Contact

You can use the Search field at the top of the page to locate a specific contact, or set of contacts by their name or email.

You can enter all or part of the name or email to return a set. This is helpful if you are not sure of the spelling.

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The Contact Groups View

You can click the PC2 Contacts List Toggle toggle to view the Groups pane.

The first 7 groups (if you are on a team) are the groups of contacts that the system automatically generates and maintains, including the:

  • Donors that contains the contacts from your Contacts list who have given money to support your fundraising efforts (for example, they have clicked a donate button on your Personal Page or gave you a gift directly that you entered in your Participant Center.
  • Non-Donors that contains the contacts from your Contacts list who have not given you any money to support your fundraising efforts. You may want to send this entire group a reminder email about your efforts.
  • Teammates that contains the contacts from your Contacts list who are on your team. This makes it easy to send an email to the entire team with one click.
  • Non-Teammates that contains the contacts from your Contacts list who are not on your team. This makes it easy to send people from this list a recruiting email to encourage them to join the fundraiser.
  • Never Emailed that contains the contacts from your Contacts list who you may want to send an email about your fundraising activities. Often these are contacts that you have added recently.
  • Need follow-up that contains the contacts from your Contacts list who you may want to send reminders to or personal emails about your fundraising efforts.
  • Unthanked Donors that contains the contacts from your Contacts list who you may want to send a personal thank you email (although they received a thank you from the site when the gift was processed).

You can also create your own contact groups (for example, a Coworkers group or a Family group) and add the appropriate contacts to them to make it a snap to send them all a certain email at one time. For example, you can put all of your immediate family members in a group that you name MyFamily to send them a different appeal for support than your coworkers or the friends you ride bicycles with (who you can put into a different group). These groups will be displayed alphabetically below the automatically generated groups.

The name of each group is a link to display the contacts in that group. (Note that each contacts groups in which a contact has been added is displayed as well.)

To work with these contact groups, refer to Organizing Your Contacts into Groups.

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