Online Help

Recruiting Teammates from the Previous Event for Your Team

If this event is linked with the previous event, your contacts in your address book from the previous event are automatically entered into the address book for this event. This makes it easy to follow up with each contact who was a teammate in the last event and invite them to join this event.

Step 1: Display the Contact List from Your Address Book

After accessing your Participant Center Home page, click EMAIL from the navigation on the right side of the page.

Step 2: Display and Select the Appropriate Contacts

  1. Click Choose from your contacts. The Contacts page displays.
  2. From the Automatic Groups, click Previous Teammates.
  3. Click the checkbox next to each contact that should receive this email (or, click ALL from the select area in the upper right).

Step 3: Display the Compose Page

Click Compose Message (located above the Showing drop-down list). Note that the contacts selected display in the To field and you can add to them.

If you have already written and:

  • Saved a draft of this email that you would rather use:
  1. Copy the entries in the To field (that is, highlight the field and press the Ctrl + C keys on your computer keyboard.)
  2. Click Drafts and then click the name of the draft from the list displayed.
  3. Click the name of the draft you want to work with. The Compose page displays with the previously entered content.
  • Sent this email to people and would like to reuse it:
  1. Copy the entries in the To field (that is, highlight the field and press the Ctrl + C keys on your computer keyboard.)
  2. Click Sent and then click the name of the message from the list displayed.
  3. Click Forward (located just above the email address of the previous recipients). The Compose page displays with the previously entered content.

Step 4. Optionally, Edit the Subject Line

Click into the Subject area and type in the phrase that you want recipients to see when they view their email message list. Note that it is important to use details that will not be considered SPAM. For example, entering the phrase "I am Participating in the 2009 Fundraiser" may not trigger SPAM filters on many of the popular email applications while "Open This" may trigger them.

Tip: A compelling subject line may increase the chances of the intended recipients to open and act on this email.

Step 5. Optionally, Edit the Body Content

Click into the WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) content editor and enter your message (or press the Ctrl + V keys on your keyboard to paste in content you copied to the clipboard).

(1) As you type in content or copy it in from another source (that is, press the Ctrl + V keys on your keyboard), the WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) content editor expands and displays scroll bars as you create or paste in your content.

(2) You cannot always paste content directly into this WYSIWYG Editor from other content editors, such as Microsoft Word, due to their proprietary formatting code. Instead, you may need to save your file as an RTF and then copy and paste that file in.

(3) You can format the content in the body of the message using the tools provided on the toolbar of the editor. For details, refer to Using the Rich Text Editor.

Step 6. Preview Your Message

Click Preview (from the bottom of the page). A message window opens to display your content as it will look to a recipient.

To make changes to the message, click Edit. The Compose page displays again.

Close the window when you are finished.

Step 7. Send Your Email

Click Send. The Your message was successfully sent message displays and the fields on this Compose page clear.