Online Help

Accessing Your Fund Champion Center

Your Fund Champion Center provides tools to help you perform tasks to make your family and friends aware of your fund and collect money for our cause.

Step 1: Display the Site Home Page

Log in to the site and then click the appropriate link to the main Funds page that contains the list of fundraising campaigns.

Step 2: Display the Fundraising Campaign for the Fund

Locate the campaign for which you created your fund and click its link.

Step 3 Display Your Fund

Click the Champion Center link from the list of links displayed.

If you have created more than one fund on this site, the Champion Center Dashboard Page displays.

Social Sites If this or a similar Sharing Opportunity link displays on this page, you can use it to quickly and easily post a comment on your favorite social sites about the activity associated with it. The post (or, tweet) will contain a link back to an appropriate page on this site where your friends can pursue the activity (for example, make a donation, join your fundraising team, or take a political action alert). For assistance, refer to Sharing an Activity from this Site With Sharing an Activity From This Site With Your Friends on Your Social Pages.