Online Help

Editing and Customizing Your Fund Page

A compelling fund page will attract and engage people who visit your site, and help convince them to give a donation. While you can also spread the word using customized email appeals, the fund page can be a creative expression of your commitment to the mission of the organization.

If you have created multiple funds, you can customize each fund page from its Champion Center. For more information about switching between multiple funds, refer to Using the Champion Dashboard.

The default page layout includes the title, which is the name of fund that you entered when you created the fund, the story you entered, and photo you uploaded, as well as the Make a Donation button or link. Typically, your fund page will also include links that visitors can click to tell a friend about the fund, create their own fund, and bookmark your fund page as well as report objectionable content.

Click one of the following links to learn more about:

Note: You can click the Show me less link to collapse the Edit Fund Page box so that only the Click here to open this page for editing link and function buttons display.