Purchasing Items and Shipping Them To Yourself

You can quickly and easily select products and send them to your shipping address.

If you want to ship the items to another address, or multiple addresses, refer to Purchasing Items for Others.

Step 1: Select Your Items and Add Them to Your Shopping Cart

To select items that display with a:

  • Quantity field, enter the number of that item you want to purchase and click Add to Cart.
  • Configure or Options button or link:
  1. Click the button or link. A Product Details page displays.
  2. Make the appropriate selections or enter information as requested.
  3. Click Add to Cart.

(1) To view details about an item, click the More information link, which displays the Product Details page.
(2) To view the items you have selected, click View Contents of Cart. You can return to the store or proceed to the checkout page from the cart.
(3) You can make changes to the options you select directly from the Cart page.

Continue shopping and adding items to your cart as necessary.

Step 2: Begin the Checkout Process

  1. When you are finished making purchases, click Proceed to checkout. Your shopping cart is displayed.
  2. If the field for entering an additional donation displays, enter the monetary amount you would like to add as a gift to the organization directly and click Continue Checkout. The shipping address information page displays.

Step 3: Fill Out the Shipping Address

  1. Fill in the information on the shipping address page.
  2. Click the This is also my billing address checkbox.
  3. Click Ship to This Address. The Billing Information page displays.

Step 3: Enter Your Payment Information

  1. If Email is blank, click into the Email Address field and enter your email address.
  2. Click the appropriate Credit Card type to indicate which credit card you will be using.
  3. Click into the Card Number field and enter your card number. You can include spaces or type the number without them.
  4. If the Verification Code field displays, click into it and enter the CVC number from your credit card. Note: The CVC code is intended to be used as verification that you have the card in-hand and is not kept or displayed on your receipt.
  5. Click the Expiration month drop-down list and select the appropriate option.
  6. Click the Expiration year drop-down list and select the appropriate option.
  7. Click Next Step. An initial confirmation page displays.

Step 4: Confirm Your Purchase

After carefully verifying all of the information, click Process. After a slight delay, the Confirmation and Thank You for Your Purchase page displays.

Social Sites If this or a similar Sharing Opportunity link displays on this page, you can use it to quickly and easily post a comment on your favorite social sites about the activity associated with it. The post (or, tweet) will contain a link back to an appropriate page on this site where your friends can pursue the activity (for example, make a donation, join your fundraising team, or take a political action alert). For assistance, refer to Sharing an Activity from this Site With Sharing an Activity From This Site With Your Friends on Your Social Pages.

Step 5: Print the Confirmation Page

To keep a record of this transaction, click Print this page for your records and follow the standard procedures for printing from a Web page.