Online Help

Viewing Your Tentmate Status

Your tentmate status indicates whether you have been paired with another participant, are still available for pairing, or have opted for no tent or for random tent assignment. You can review your status through the Participant Center.

Step 1: Locate the Tentmate Selection area

After accessing your Participant Center, look for the Tentmate Selection area. This informational grouping is usually at the bottom of the colored block on the right side of the page. Basic information about your tentmate status will display here. For example, once you have met your fundraising minimum, the message Congratulations, You have met your fundraising minimum, and you are now eligible for online tentmate selection will show.

Step 2: Locate the View or modify tenting information link

Locate the View or modify tenting information link. It usually displays beneath the information about your tenting status in the Tentmate Selection area.  

Step 3: Display the Tentmate Assignment page

Click the View or modify tenting information link. The Current Tent Assignment Information page displays. Your status will be shown on a line immediately following the current assignment header.

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