Online Help

Viewing the Information Details of a Contact

You can display the detail page for a contact to view:

  • The amount of their donation if they made one in support of you
  • The number of emails (sent from your Participant Center) that they have opened
  • The number of times they visited your Personal Page
  • The names of the groups in which they are a member
  • List of recent activities they have been involved in with you, such as the date they made a donation to you or joined your team if they are a member of your team.
  • Contact information you have entered for them (displays in a small boxed area on the right side of the page)

Step 1: Display Your Contacts List Page

After accessing your Participant Center Home page, click Add contacts from the navigation options on the right side of the page (or, click EMAIL from the top navigation and, on the Compose Message page displayed, click Contacts from the navigation options on the right side of the page.)

Step 2: Display the Detail Page of the Contact

Locate the contact in the Contacts list and click their name link.

(1) If you have multiple pages of contacts, you may need to scroll through the list to locate the specific contact.

(2) Or, to:

  • Change the number of contacts displayed on each page, click the number from the Contacts/Page drop-down list. (Note: By default, 25 contacts display per page.)
  • Reverse the order of the contacts from their default order, click the appropriate blue, underlined column header. For example, you can click the Name column header to display the contact names from Z to A or the Current column header (in the Dontations area) to sort in the lowest to highest monetary amounts.

(3) From this page, you can: